About Lynda Joy Gerry

Lynda is a Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality designer, researcher, and developer. She has coined the term Augmented Social Cognition to specify multimodal virtual environments that transmit, render, and simulate aspects of sensory, motor, perceptual, and cognitive aspects of experience from one person to another.

Lynda has worked in research labs across the globe, including: The Multisensory Experience Lab and the Augmented Cognition Lab at Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark), the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Rhythm, Time, and Motion (RITMO at Univerisity of Oslo in Norway), Enactive Virtuality Lab at Tallinn University (Estonia), Empathic Computing Lab (ECL at University of South Australia), The Social Cognition Lab at Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Germany), and the Center for Subjectivity Research (University of Copenhagen). She has worked as an Expert AR/VR/MR Research and Design Consultant with companies such as Khora VR, Makropol ApS, Virtual Reality Denmark, Equal Reality, and Empatica XR. Lynda is also a member of the Transformative Technology Institute in Zurich, and is a Research Partner with BeAnotherLab.
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See Lynda's Research Profiles:

Gerry, L. J., Dahl, S., & Serafin, S. (2019). ADEPT: Exploring the Design, Pedagogy, and Analysis of a Mixed Reality Application for Piano Training. Sound and Music Computing 2019. [Link]

Schoeller, F., Zenasni, F., Bertrand, P., Gerry, L. J., Jain, A., & Horowitz, A. H. (2018). Combining virtual reality and biofeedback to foster empathic abilities in humans. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2741.

Gerry, L.J., Ens, B., Drogemuller, A., Thomas, B. & Billinghurst, M. (2017). Levity: A Virtual Reality system that responds to cognitive load. CHI 2018 Late Breaking Work.

Gerry, L.J. (2017). Paint with me: Stimulating creativity and empathy while painting with a painter in virtual reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(4). DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2657239.

Høeg, E. R., Gerry, L., Thomsen, L. A., Nilsson, N. C., & Serafin, S. (2017). Binaural Sound Reduces Reaction Time in a Virtual Reality Search Task. In 2017 IEEE 3rd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments.


Below are videos of various research projects I have created.